
Information toute fraiche : Letter: Catchy descriptor does no justice to Japan

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», le journaliste est reconnu comme quelqu’un de sérieux pour plusieurs autres encarts qu’il a publiés sur internet.

The phrase “Japan Inc” is tendentious. It starts the economic story in the middle, likens the country to a superconglomerate, and misrepresents the archipelago’s postwar success (“A weak yen is no longer an unmixed blessing across Japanese industry”, Report, September 22).

Currency is not the main reason for Japan’s break out of what economists call the “middle-income trap”. Monetary policy did not give birth to Japanese industry, internationalise Japanese companies, the kaisha, or inspire continuous improvement in production, kaizen.

In most measures, Japan’s achievements and competitiveness are attributed to its attitude towards productivity, uniformity of thought and action, as well as rules for managing large-scale organisations.

Sebastian Woller
Zurich, Switzerland

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